MANY STEPS from Takayuki Akachi on Vimeo.
またまた世界を旅してきた友人の新作ムービーです。 何だかホっとする素敵な作品です。 音楽はDULO a.k.a.DJ KIYO。
新作を発表します。 “世界のステップを集め一曲を奏でる”をコンセプトに世界を旅しました。
——————— 僕は今東京にいます。この作品の最終試写の当日に今回の震災に遭いました。 世界中の友達から安否を気遣うメッセージをもらい世界との強い絆を感じました。 僕と家族、東京は大丈夫です。しかし、被災地の人々はいまだ深い悲しみの中にいます。 被災者の方々にはやく平和な日常が訪れるように祈りつつ、僕の出来る限りの応援を したいと思います。 世界中からの手厚い援助活動に心より感謝します。ありがとう。
I announce my new work. I traveled around the world to create the film which concept is “collecting the steps from all over the world and playing a music with the steps”.
All of us breathe in the same air and step on the same ground.
——————— Now, I’m in Tokyo. I was struck by strong earthquake when I was preparing for the final check. Many friends around the world worried about my safety. I was so touched. My family, me and Tokyo are OK. But the people of disaster area are in deep sorrow still now. Not only that, they spend their days worrying about aftershocks, tsunami and nuclear reactor problem. I want to support the people through every means I can. And, I hope that they resume peaceful everyday life as soon as possible. We have received warm support from all over the world. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.
Sponsored by Onitsuka Tiger
Music by DULO iTunes
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